What is a Source Code Review Service?

A Source Code review service discovers hidden vulnerabilities, design flaws, and verifies if key security controls are implemented. Paladion uses a combination of scanning tools and manual review to detect insecure coding practices, backdoors, injection flaws, cross site scripting flaws, insecure handling of external resources, weak cryptography, etc.


Modern websites and applications are feature-rich. They provide the user with an intuitive flow through business logic and data. Application developers write these features, rely on their operation, and may even re-use them in their code. Due to rapid, feature-driven development and code sharing, when a vulnerability is introduced in code (and goes undetected), it can spread very quickly. In the case of corporate web applications, it’s more sensible to invest in security than try to remediate security breaches. And if you prioritize security in your business, you need both code review and pentesting.

CyberSRC’s Source code review service checks the quality of the web application code. Penetration testing, in its turn, reveals the issues with web app logic. Source code review + penetration testing done by different pentesters are an effective combination that covers most of web application vulnerabilities.


The Source Code Review Advantage

Faster Results

Easily detect flaws through code analysis and avoid the need to send test data to the application or software since access to the entire code base of the application is available.

Thorough Analysis

Evaluate the entire code layout of the application including areas that wouldn’t be analyzed in an application security test such as entry points for different inputs, internal interfaces and integrations, data handling and validation logic, and the use of external API’s and frameworks.

Overcome Testing Limitations

Uncover vulnerabilities and detect attack surfaces that automated
code scans miss using security code reviews to detect weak
algorithms, identify design flaws, find insecure configurations and
spot insecure coding practices.

Meet Compliance Standards

Satisfy industry regulations and compliance standards including PCI
DSS standards.

Provide Solutions

Secure sensitive data storage and suggest precise solutions
customized for your developers with code level suggestions that
include more exhaustive checks to find all instances of common

Create Reports

Produce security code review reports that include an executive
summary that lists strengths and weaknesses and provides detailed
findings that include precise code based solutions and fixes.


  • Review of your software documentation, coding standards, and guidelines.
  • Discussion with your development team about the application.
  • Identification of security design issues by asking your developers a comprehensive list of security questions.
  • Analyze the areas in the application code which can handle functions regarding authentication, session management, and data validation.
  • Identification of un-validated data vulnerabilities contained in your code.
  • Identification of poor coding techniques allowing attackers to exploit them for launching targeted attacks.
  • Evaluation of security issues specific to individual framework technologies.
  • Analysis: Our experts study the code layout to develop a specific code reviewer plan and use a hybrid
    approach where automated scans are verified and a custom manual review is performed.
  • Preparation: The first step of a security code review is to conduct a thorough study of the application followed by the creation of a comprehensive threat profile.
  • Solutions: Once the code is analyzed, the next step in the security code review process is to verify existing flaws and generate reports that provide solutions.

Why CyberSRC®?

Established in January 2018, CyberSRC Consultancy offers the full machination of cyber security services ranging from threat intelligence, VMS to general advisory services in areas pertaining to Cyber security such as vulnerability attacks, compliance, and cyber security regulations, and laws. We are into system audits such as ISNP Audits, NBFC Audits, UCB Audits, PPI Audits, and SEBI Audits. We provide our solutions with better accountability. We are a certified assurance firm. We are an ISO 27001 certified organization, backed by a very diverse and dynamic team which have a combined experience.